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Welcome to Angelic Complementary Therapies July 2024 Newsletter

It’s July! I hope all is well with you and enjoying the warmer weather which has finally arrived! Fred, the tortoise, is very happy.

How was your June? Mine was good, with a few testing lessons, but there are things I will learn and grow from. I was fortunate to visit Dorset several times and spend time with friends. Awwwww, as I write this, my friendly robin has come to say hello. Whenever I see this robin, I instantly think of Mum, reminding me she’s still very present. This reminds me, I really needed Mum a couple of weeks back, and I needed her advice (she was never one to mince her words; she was brutally honest at times, but you knew where you stood with her). Anyhow, I was sitting quietly one evening alone (or so I thought). I had YouTube playing, listening to music, and I said aloud, “Mum, I wish you were here to hug me and say it’s going to be alright.” I kid you not; the next song played was Memories from the musical Cats! I hadn’t chosen this song; it just played. The last time I heard that song was at Mum’s funeral, the song she loved and the musical she’d seen a few times. That was no coincidence; that was Mum. I’m always telling people that our loved ones may have passed, but it doesn’t mean that they have gone. Their energy cannot go. Energy can never go. Be aware of the signs; our loved ones are never far away, especially when you really need them.


Carrying on with my 50 things… I ticked off a big one (for me), Alpaca walking. Oh, it was great fun, and Jefferson (the alpaca I walked) certainly distracted me from anything I was going through at the time – it was brilliant. If you’ve ever thought about walking an alpaca, do it. I was fortunate to do it with two of my very dear (old school) friends. They match you up with an alpaca to suit your personality – mine was very headstrong and determined! He was very gentle but knew where he wanted to be, and that wasn’t wasting time eating foliage or being at the back of the herd. He wanted to progress, and that meant moving forward… no meandering. Three times, he tried to bolt, but he couldn’t shake me off; the owners had warned me he does have a tendency to do this, but he couldn’t escape me.

I also saw the West End show Mamma Mia. It was fabulous. It was a real feel-good production, with a chance to let your hair down at the end and sing and dance—brilliant.


Along with working and all the other things I cram into my days, I’ve been taking my younger son to University Open Days. My youngest isn’t like me in interests at all. He is very focused on the economy, finance and business and wants to study this at university to build a career in investment banking (I told you, he’s nothing like me). Spending this special time with him visiting these highly educated institutions has been great. As you all know, I go by the energy of the place, and it’s amazing how different each university is. I’ve had to sit in on lectures and seminars, and I must be honest; much of what they say goes right over my head. Still, it’s priceless to see how focused and determined Ozzie is and how driven he is (writing that he sounds like Jefferson, the alpaca, who I was paired with… maybe Ozzie and myself are more alike than I realise, just in different subjects).


I wonder what this month will bring – Go Ape on Sunday (oh boy).

Seasonal Allergies

With the warmer weeks ahead of us, some can be affected by seasonal allergies. My youngest suffers terribly from hay fever, and it’s been particularly bad this year.


Here is a self-help facial reflexology routine that helps alleviate the symptoms. It is recommended that you do this 2-3 times a day, especially when you wake and before you sleep.


Along with reflexology, here are some other top tips to ease allergies

  • Reduce exposure – Try to identify what your trigger is and reduce it where possible. For example, I don’t hang my son’s clothing or bed linen outside to dry. He wears sunglasses to minimise pollen going into his eyes.

  • Eat healthy foods – support a healthy gut biome to help the immune system

  • Manage your stress – ensure you get enough downtime and rest

  • Moderate exercise – this will not only keep you fitter and healthier, but it will also boost your immune system

Quote for the moment


Your purpose is a path

Your goals are the milestone

Your vision is a picture of promise

Your attitude is how to take each step


By Brian Mayne




To get the most from this exercise, it should span a week, and the first step can be today:


1.     Think about people who have had a particular positive impact on your life – write a list of people.

2.     Pick one person from this list and write a letter to them.

3.     When writing the letter, be specific and clear about how that person helped you and why you are so grateful.

4.     Arrange to meet the person later in the week, or arrange a telephone call with them.

5.     Read your letter to them. Take your time and discuss it with them afterwards.

6.     After meeting or talking with them, reflect on how writing the letter, reading the letter and their reaction to hearing the letter made you feel.


Scientific research has shown that identifying the people we are most grateful to and explaining why we are grateful to them is a powerful way to increase our own happiness.

Crystal/Stone of the month – Hematite


Hematite is a beautiful stone which can help with anxiety and negativity (it reminds me of mercury to look at).This stone is often used for grounding and protects against negative energy, boost your inner courage, willpower and confidence. It dispels stress and anxiety bringing a sense of calm, peace and stability.

Angel Card

Courage and Bravery

The Angel Guide Oracle Deck, Kyle Gray

You have the heart of a warrior. You want to do what’s right, but it isn’t always easy. Angels are surrounding you in a light of courage at this time and guiding you in a light of courage at this time and guiding you to do what you know deep down in your heart is right. Being brave isn’t about being emotionless-the angels are reminding you that it’s okay to feel, and your vulnerability will allow you to tap into even greater inner strength. Angels are always willing to help you feel safe, guided, and guarded, so call in as much help as you need. This is a time to take ownership of your energy and any situations that could be making you fell less than good. And through your courage, you will begin to attract experiences of being respected.

I wonder what this July has in store for each of us. Whatever it brings, may it be fun and peaceful. Maybe think of ways you can have quality time with the people in your life or quality time with yourself. Be present and, as I always say, be kind to all, but mostly yourself. I look forward to seeing you soon, with love and light.

Kate x ^i^ x


Kate Palmer-Marshallsay MAR BA (Hons)

Complementary Therapist


Angelic Complementary Therapies


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