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Welcome to Angelic Complementary Therapies August 2024 Newsletter

It’s August and boy, has the sun arrived! Okay, at the risk of sounding very British (as my oldest son is always saying, “Mum, you are so very, very British” – and I’m absolutely dandy with that) anyhow, it’s a bit too warm at the moment for me. And I seem to have become biting insect gourmet! I’ve got a really nasty bite on my index finger meaning I can barely bend it due to it being so swollen – this will be fun giving reflexology later.


Anyhow, I do hope you are all well and enjoying the sunny weather. Fred (the tortoise) is very happy. Jeff (the cat) and myself are a tad warm.

How was your July? Mine was good, with a smattering of huge belly laughter moments (the best). Carrying on with my 50 things… One that springs to mind is doing Go Ape with my son’s significant friend (not girlfriend). Bless her, she’s pretty dinky and I quickly discovered is scared of heights, but she did AMAZINGLY well. Halfway around the course, I said I needed a coffee once finished, but by the end, it had quickly changed to coffee and cake! It was brilliant fun, many hurdles faced and overcome. Didn’t do my shoulder injury a great deal of good, but wouldn’t have missed it.


I have so many things waiting in the wings at the moment, it’s a little like I can feel a Tsunami building, a huge wave of “things” to explore, study and share. I don’t want to say too much at the moment, but I’m looking forward to completing some ongoing projects which will then allow me time to discover and explore the next chapter in my journey. It’s all very exciting.

Reflexology with Crystals

What is Reflexology with Crystals?


Crystal healing is a holistic therapy that works on the emotional, physical and spiritual levels, enhancing any treatment given. Whether you believe in the physical healing properties of the crystals or not, the therapy will give you the opportunity to relax, leaving you with a deep sense of relaxation, balance and calm.


During the treatment, you will receive a full reflexology session incorporating chosen crystals to enhance the treatment where necessary. The crystals will also open and balance the seven main chakras within the body via the corresponding foot reflexes.


All of my crystals are of the highest quality and are infused with reiki. I work intuitively and use the crystal that is required at the time. Each crystal has its own qualities and vibrates at its own unique frequency to help many ailments.


Reflexology with Crystals can bring a completely different reflexology experience to one you’ve never experienced before.

Quote for the moment

We take care of the future best

By taking care of the present now


By Jon Kabat-Zinn




(It's one of my favourite pastimes).


A cluttered home or workspace can slow down productivity and promote disorganisation. For me personally, clutter makes my head feel a little bit like a bowl of spaghetti! I’m sure I drive my family nuts by saying, “If you get something out to use, remember to put it back, not only to stop creating clutter but for ease of use when someone else next needs it.” How about a bit of mindful tidying?


1.     A good place to start is your desk/workspace. Is it at its optimal state? Do all the items on the surface need to be there?

2.     Sort through all the items on your desk in a mindful manner. For each item, take time to consider what it does, how it helps, how it arrived there, and whether it is the best place for it. Be present in the moment – no distractions.

3.     Next, choose another area to tidy. Do a little bit every day, concentrate on one area. The secret I have found is finding a home/place for everything. Things get organised in no time once it has a place to go.

Scientific research has shown that identifying the people we are most grateful to and explaining why we are grateful to them is a powerful way to increase our own happiness.


Care for your spaces and possessions like they are your friends. A clutter-free home is a happy home.


Aqua Aura Quartz


One of my personal favourites. Aqua Aura Quartz is a fusion of Clear Quartz and Gold – giving it almost a metallic suit of armour which prevents energetic and psychic attacks. Aqua Aura soothes emotions and promotes a calm environment whilst releasing stress. It is connected with the throat chakra and encourages the expression of truth through clear and heartfelt communication.


This photo doesn’t do the crystal justice. It is the most perfect clear, transparent aqua blue – the kind of water a most inviting pool offers. Gorgeous.

Angel Card



The Angel Guide Oracle Deck, Kyle Gray

Yes. Yes. Yes. The answer is yes. Proceed. Go forth. Achieve. Enjoy. Don’t hold back. The time is now. Rise up. Fly high. Light up. Express yourself. Experience. Share.

I wonder what this August has in store for each of us. Whatever it brings, may it be fun and peaceful. Maybe think of ways you can have quality time with the people in your life or quality time with yourself – have a holiday with self. Be present and, as I always say, be kind to all, but mostly yourself. I look forward to seeing you soon, with love and light.

Kate x ^i^ x


Kate Palmer-Marshallsay MAR BA (Hons)

Complementary Therapist


Angelic Complementary Therapies


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