Welcome to Angelic Complementary Therapies December 2023 Newsletter

I do hope you are well and keeping warm now December is here. I may be in the minority here, but I would really love a white Christmas. However, I’ll be very happy if we have one of those frosty yet bright days.
I was just reading the newsletter I wrote this time last year. I’d been to visit Derrick, mum’s wonderful partner, as he celebrated his 93rd birthday. Now they are both together again, I can’t help but smile at the celebrations they’ll be having this year. I know they aren’t here in body, and they are missed very, very much, but I also know they’re never far away – especially when I need their support.
Losing a loved one is hard no matter when or how many years have passed, but Christmas seems to magnify the loss that little bit more. Memories of past Christmases shared, thoughts of those that will never be. We can’t change the past, or the future – all we have is now. Make the most of what we have. Appreciate all we have. Make magical memories and let frustrations or anger pass – it doesn’t serve a purpose apart from make you feel unhappy, which will then in turn transmit to others.
Do you have any family traditions you recreate every year? Have you created new ones for your family/friends? Every year I buy one (or maybe three or four) new decorations for the Christmas tree. This has been something I have done since I was a teenager. As you can imagine, my tree is very eclectic and not at all uniformed. I have one or two very old decorations that have been passed down for generations. Every year I put them away lovingly ready and safe for another year to adorn my tree. The collection is wide and varied. I have some very beautiful and traditional ornaments, but I also have “different” ones such as a seagull, sardines, a hand painted (by my son) yellow Father Christmas and many, many carrots. To be honest, I have so many baubles and trinkets we now need two trees! It is the time of year I let go and embrace sparkle in all forms.
Another tradition, carried forward from my mum, is making a Christmas cake. It smells really good and I hope to ice it next weekend. I also plan on making mince pies and brandy butter, made from my sister’s recipe – they really are the best.
What do you have planned for the festive season? Take a moment to think of the special people in your life. Maybe phone the friend or relative, the one you’ve been meaning to call for too long now but never get around to it. All we have is now. Live, Laugh and Love.

Quote for the moment
“My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?”

Perform a Secret Act of Kindness
It is the season of goodwill, so what better time to practice kindness. Look for an opportunity to do something helpful or generous for somebody else – but do it anonymously.
It could be anything – doing someone else’s washing up, leaving a chocolate on a colleagues desk, taking out or returning a neighbours waste bin – however big or small the act, just make sure you don’t tell anyone about it.
Resist the temptation to talk about your act of kindness, and feel the inner satisfaction of doing a truly selfless deed.
This will bring you a little happiness or comfort to someone else’s life. You may also notice that your own day becomes more peaceful and invigorating.
Just because…
Here’s my bubba Jefferson. He joins me every morning to “help me” with my Pilates/yoga practice – he is way more flexible than me, but I love his company nonetheless.

Crystal/Stone of the month – Moonstone
Moonstone is one of those magical, pearlescent stones. It is known as a stone for new beginnings, inner strength and growth. It’s also very calming and helps with emotional instability and stress providing calmness. It may be a good stone to have about you during the festive season which can prove stressful to many.

When you think about Christmas, what are you most grateful for?
I am grateful for my friends and family being in my life. To have two gorgeous sons whom I’m so very proud of. To be able to do a vocation which I love. To have a home, food on the table and sons who love to share it with their friends. The most perfect cat, who looks after all of us and a tortoise who makes me smile. I’m grateful to have had 49 years with my mum who taught me that strength and determination go a long way in life. For Derrick, who made mum’s last 24 years possibly her happiest ever. For my dad, who isn’t in the best of health, but he’s here and every day is a blessing. And I’m happy I’m here, to share the love I have in my heart with so many.
I write a gratitude diary every day. I truly believe it helps me appreciate the small things that may otherwise pass me by unnoticed. Maybe think about starting this practice, it does help, especially if you have a day that seems to not go so well, take a look at all you have to be grateful for and it’s amazing how quickly your spirits can change.

Oracle card
You are making incredible efforts to heal and release habits and thoughts that once held you back. Take a moment to look through the eyes of Mother-Father-God and appreciate how far you have come, all the adversity you have faced, and the person you are today. Angels are wrapping their wings around you and encouraging you to see what they see. As you are perfect just the way you are.

Gift Vouchers Perfect present for a treat
With Christmas just around the corner, why not treat your family, a friend or a loved one to either a lovely relaxing Reiki, Reflexology or Angelic Reiki.

I wonder what this December has in store for each of us? Whatever it is, may it be fun, peaceful and kind. And I wish for you a very healthy and happy festive time and a bright and joyous New Year. Be present and as I always say, be kind to all, but mostly yourself and I look forward to seeing you soon, with love and light.
Kate x ^i^ x
Kate Palmer-Marshallsay MAR BA (Hons)
Complementary Therapist
Angelic Complementary Therapies
Email – Kate@angelicct.com
Web – www.angelicct.com