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New Beginnings

Many of us see January 1st as a time for new beginnings, a time to reflect upon things that could be improved upon… A time for New Year’s Resolutions. If I can offer any suggestions, these would be mine – be kind and give time to you. In other words – love you. Look after your mind, body and spirit. You’ll find that when these three areas of your life are respected, everything, and I mean everything, will work more smoothly.

Speaking from personal experience, I see life as a gift, one that is sometimes taken for granted. Many, many times people come to me to help alleviate the symptoms of modern medicine. Rather than wait for something to break or go wrong, look after and maintain what you have before it gets worse. It’s a proven fact that having a regular Complementary Treatment can greatly reduce and even eliminate many modern day aliments.

Life’s not just about being wealthy, popular or being perfect. It’s also about being content, healthy and positive – with the energy to truly embrace life. Complementary Therapy is not intended to serve as a one-time fix. It’s an ongoing journey of discovery in finding answers to ultimately live better and be healthier.

One of the best resolutions you can make for 2018 is be kind to yourself and look after your mind body and soul. If you would like to discuss how Complementary Therapy can help you, please contact me.

Love, Light and Angel Blessings for 2018

Kate Palmer-Marshallsay

Angelic Complementary Therapies

Call: 07810 722474



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