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Either Foot or Hand

  • 1 h
  • 52 British pounds
  • Wellington Park

Service Description

Reflexology is a method of applying pressure to various zones or reflexes on both the sole and the top of the feet. Each reflex represents a corresponding area of the body; therefore by stimulating the reflex it is possible to stimulate the corresponding organ or body area. By stimulating the reflexes on the feet, reflexology helps the body to release the energy blockages and find its natural equilibrium. Since reflexology treats the whole person, not the symptoms of disease, most people benefit from treatment. Reflexology can help you to maintain the homeostasis (the natural balance) of mind, body and spirit.

Contact Details

  • 28 Eliot Close, Camberley, UK


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A member of The Association of Reflexologists and The UK Reiki Federation

©2023 Angelic Complementary Therapies

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